Special Education Information in Falls County and McLennan County, TX

Please contact us if you need more special education information in Falls County and McLennan County, TX. At Falls Education Cooperative, we are committed to making sure parents have the resources they need to help special needs students improve their academic ,behavioral, communication and transition performance. Below, we have compiled some useful links.

List of Special Education Acronyms

Special Education is known for all of the acronyms we use to communicate. Take a look at this list and it will help you navigate in conversations.

The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

The Center for Parent Information and Resources offers information and connections to the full spectrum of disabilities in children, including developmental delays and rare disorders.

The 2021 Updated Dyslexia Handbook

See the link for the newly revised Dyslexia Handbook from the Texas Education Agency


The Legal Framework

The Legal Framework is a statewide leadership project partnering the Texas Education Agency and Region 18 Education Service Center. The project, which includes contacts from each educational service center, is a compilation of state and federal requirements for special education organized by topic in a user-friendly format. This site includes frameworks, publications, and resources helpful in the special education process. There is a glossary of terms and acronyms, links to laws, rules and guidance, and a search feature.

Texas Education Agency (TEA)

The Texas Education Agency has an entire section devoted to Parent Resources.

Texas Behavior Support Initative

The Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) is a state-level training that meets the requirements mandated by Texas Education Code §37.0021 and Texas Administrative Code §89.1053. TBSI provides foundational knowledge for the use of positive behavior interventions and supports for all students, including students with disabilities. While the TBSI training meets legislative requirements related to procedures for the use of restraint and time-out, it also provides a framework for sharing a wide range of foundational-level behavior strategies and prevention-based schoolwide, classroom, and individual interventions.


Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training (TSLAT)

This is such a great website!  TONS of resources and online trainings for parents, teachers, and service providers.



We’ve got the course for you! We have over 80 courses in 7 different categories including courses in Spanish! Take the lead on your professional development. All our courses are free; you can learn at your own pace; and you can earn CEUs and a certificate for each course you complete.