Parents, We wanted to be sure you knew about some new resources out regarding Transition Services. We begin talking about transition in the ARD meetings for students turning 14 and but we can always discuss it earlier if there is a need. The idea behind transition services is to begin conversations about what the student is wanting to do in high school and after. Some students will want to go to college after high school, while some will get a full-time job, and others will be involved in other ways in the community. Discussing your plans for your child, along with the student having a voice, will help the ARD committee to give you the best information possible! Below are a few links to great websites where you can learn more about your rights and options regarding transition. This website has great videos ad resources to support families and students in transition and address the challenges of facilitating the movement to post-school environments, including independent living. This website guides educators, students, and their families through the entire process of planning for what happens after high school. This website includes direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. FEC has begun using the One-Pager annually with all 5th, 8th, and 12th graders as a way to discuss self-determination and understand their disability AND their abilities!